Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…

It’s the sound of time passing slowly as I wait impatiently to become mum to the power of two. Also it’s the noise Sandy makes when he sees a clock or watch.


No that’s not a growth in his cheek, it’s pretty much all of a caramel egg we “shared”.



And of course by shared I mean I took a small bite, bid him to do the same, at which point he pushed the whole thing in there.


He’s the only one getting away with stealing food from a preggy in this house.


We took a long over due trip to meet Aunty Emma, and much to her relief I didn’t go into labour and ruin the day!


We went to New Lanark and Sandy FREAKED OUT at the ride which he adored last time. But he had a ball on the slide and in the interactive gallery which is like soft play but a hundred times cooler. Anyone in central Scotland with a little one should be getting in their cars and heading there now.






He did this face quite a lot. In fact, he’s been quite shy generally in unfamiliar settings recently. It goes hand in hand with his clinginess to me. I think he knows something is up.


Yesterday Emma asked if he knew I was having a baby. Up until the day before I’d have said kind of. I never thought he could conceptualise it to be honest. He would say “baba” and pat my bump and he knows what a baba is, and calls babies baba when we see them. But then again he patted his Daddy’s belly and said baba too so it was kind of confusing. But then yesterday he went into the baby’s nursery for the first time since we got the moses basket in there. Keep in mind the only time he’s seen a moses basket has been when he was in it up to three months old. He runs over to it and points and says “baba”. Then he climbs the chair, looks in and points to the blankets and says baba again, even more assertively. It blew my mind. I think I’m always underestimating how much he knows.


Such a smart cookie.


Anyway, I spent the rest of the afternoon braxton hicksing away, feeling like I was going to puke and hoping I’m in pre-labour, not getting a stomach bug. Time will tell.

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