First Snow, First Snowman

We had our first snow last week.


Not only was it the first snow of the season but it was also Roslyn’s first snow EVER, and the first snow Sandy has ever seen. It did snow once in the night last year when he was here but it was melted by morning.


In case I haven’t bleated on about it enough by now Sandy is OBSESSED with the snowman (meman). Our house is bursting with meman merch: toys, dvds, books, figures, crockery, magazines, snowglobes, chocolates, advent calendars… you name it we’ve got it, or are at least probably going to happen upon it and have to buy it. It’s hard to deny little things when it gives him so much joy. Anyway, as soon as Sandy saw the snow he was asking to make a snowman so who could refuse?


It was but a tiny snowfall and I knew unlikely to last long so we grabbed our winter gear and made the little guy as fast as possible. I think he turned out pretty sweet considering our limited resources!


Sandy loved packing the snow onto his body like the boy does in The Snowman.


Yep, I forgot to take the milk in.



Rozzie was napping but I was glad to hear her stir so I could jam her snowsuit on and get right on this amazing photo opportunity!


The one I took on my phone actually turned out better but hey, check instagram for that.


Roslyn was pretty cheery for five minutes then she realised it was cold and she hadn’t napped much.


But Sandy was loving it. He tracked around the drive looking at his footprints and then helped me deliver the neighbours christmas cards, it being a brief window of not sleeting and not dark, and oh so festive in the whiteness!



Roslyn wasn’t best pleased so I plied Sandy with hot chocolate and put her back to bed. A bit hectic but when it comes to snow you’ve got to make the most of it. I feel so lucky to get snow as I know so many places get none. We usually get a little each year, though last year there was basically none. It’d be great to get another proper snow fall this winter! I find myself like a child shouting “it’s lying it’s lying”, checking to see it is staying under 4 degrees and watching hopefully for grey clouds approaching. I don’t know, I’m pretty sentimental about it. Maybe it’s the traditional view of a white Christmas, or a lingering sense of magic that school might be called off if it snowed. All I know is that the white blanket changes everything and makes me feel all warm inside, even if it’s cold outdoors.

Wishing you all a white Christmas this year.